Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I woke up one morning knowing it was wrong,
dealt my hand of cards and forced to play along,
The devil sat across me with a smile on his face,
I could see all the signs that I would lose,
but still I ran that poker race

Five Joints and a broken heart later,
here I am with the black crusader
he calls himself lonely tom,
inside of me, where he calls home.

I was crazy to think that I had a chance,
ignored all the signs and new with the first glance.
With my mug in hand you walked through that door,
I could see the game was done, I had lost,
with that all my chips hit the floor.

Five joints and a broken heart later,
here I am with the black crusader,
he calls himself lonely tom,
inside of me where he calls home

I gambled my life; everything I had away,
not that there’s a choice to love or lose the game,
So I sit with lonely tom as we wait for a new hand,
We don’t want to bet the devil,
He’ll only take what we don’t have

I saw my heart walk through that door,
it left with you,
once was, is no more.
Why would I for a brief moment win,
deserve to be happy,
have you let me in.
Because the devil plays across from me,
he deals all of my hands,
but the devil don’t play fairly.

Five joints and a broken heart later,
here I am with the black crusader,
he calls himself lonely tom,
inside of me where he calls home

Five joints and a broken heart later,
here I am with the black crusader.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh the heat that will arise,
friction, flame
and tender cries
When you look in to my soul,
you know i will,
and make you whole.
So forget tomorrows pending Dawn,
touch me slow,
the night is long.
And when tomorrow finds its birth,
do not forget,
of passions worth.

Tender dreams

like the waves from the ocean
the sand beneath my feet,
The taste of your supple lips,
nectar that is so sweet,

And then i did float from my cloud
saw you standing there,
with that smile upon your face,
of nothing more was i aware

Like waves from the ocean,
and sand beenath my feet,
the tender touch of your skin,
the moment lost in gentle heat,

I did imagine such sweet days,
Never dreamnt you'd sweep me away.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Oh you pitiful tree,
with your shrivelled leaves,
and your unkept ways,
You need tending after the storm.
So I tend, and I till,
warm 'til we're cold.
I watch you wither,
to unrecognizability
But you're not a tree,
are you?

Oh trees are so telling.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Little Engine That Does

"I think I can, I think I can"
Oh the little engine that could,
Couldnt we all.
Huffing and puffing, just think that much harder!
We the great telekenetics!
Transcend all manner of blockaid
because we think it, we know and it comes to be.

Ignore the thought in this childs tale.

Monday, December 24, 2007

It is never sunny there,
that place where dreams do lie,
because dreams that are there,
they never come alive.

A swift brush by,
a quick hello-
goodbye for now,
a never ending dream
to run away from that place
which never should be seen.
Yet again,
alone I am,
when the visit does occur,
viewed through my eyes
it's no suprise,
everything turns back from on the mend.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rivers & Tears

Crystal blue, trickling down the faces of Mountains,
stretching far beyond the surface,
Seeping through the pores of the earth it falls.

Once its journey begins does it change?
It moves and conquers new land,
It can be great or small,
extend deep into the heart or scathe its surface

Tell me, will it just dissapear with new lands and greater waters,
Or compltely from existence, from our minds.
Leaving behind drops of water,
also to be forgotten.