Friday, July 6, 2007

And you

And you
It will
Slowly passing time
the stillness
unquiet internals
silent surroundings
for the hands it is finite
Passing that point
And you
It will

Sometimes we are faced with difficult times ahead, anticipating the hard times is a huge part of the battle. Like everything it will pass.
-It can't rain all the time
No further explanation will be given at this point. Please read carefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"And You" is a beautiful poem dealing with the unexpected surroundings overturning within human life. It truly evokes intense feelings within the reader and the "unquiet internals" is nothing short of sheer
Feelings of either an imminently demising relationship or even that of death is my interpretation of the theme within this piece. But of course, to some...the end of a relationship can provide the sinking feeling of death, so alas the poet expresses both of these consistently together.
Whatever feelings or thoughts that are deeply felt throughout this passage are all put into sublime context with the delightful idea in which it cannot simply rain forever. A true optimistic view on a seemingly pessimistic passage.
Bravo brave writer....bravo.
I would love to read more about the turmoil that you, or your narrator, have faced. Both successfully or otherwise...