Friday, July 27, 2007

Unquestionable & Questionable

Unclear to the eye,
the electric currents flow.
Unable to see,
Love, God are all shapes of faith.

Untouchable molecules,
we are composed and do touch,
Unfelt mysteries,
Which we feel and do know.

Why faith in the other,
the machine
but none for the miraculous,
the wonderful,
The real?


Danielle said...

I am far from what you would call a religious person but i often wonder why it is that very few of us question science, and simply believe what we are told. I can't say that i know the innerworkings of my computer or even that what i read about the inner workings is true. people put their faith in other people, they have not met nor, most likely, will ever meet but easily dismiss faith. We don't experience the chemicals produced in our bodies, but they are real. But what of the emotions we feel, supposedly produced by said chemicals and hormones. It's quite a predicament we have ourselves in in terms of reality. Which is real?

Anonymous said...

Mildly thought provoking, but as far as the chemicals such as hormones and what have you, these are all clearly visible through the use of technology. Religion, is something that could never be "scientifically" proven, excuse the irony in that statement.
Technically, Science is taken in schools just the same as Religious Studies are taken. However, more weight is applied to the sciences which develop calculated and methodical thinkers rather then the religion courses which offer deeper thought development and abstract thinking.
I must admit, I have reviewed your work as of late with little comment but this piece is somewhat thought provoking.
A wise person once said:
"Do not be afraid to go out on a limb...because that is where the fruit is."
This applies to your poetry because you are constantly discussing important social concepts and extremely relevant issues. Again, however, it is also important to be personal with poetry and a writer should put a little bit of themselves into every issue they write about. This way, the poetry can be personal and still have a societal theme.
A Lover of Canadian Poetry

P.S. Feel free to let me know what you think about my comments.

Danielle said...

I agree with what you have to say about putting a bit more of myself into my poetry especially concerning poetry that is more socially oriented as opposed to emotionally. It becomes a little difficult to realize that maybe you aren't doing that when you are writing your own thoughts, it is quite easy to fall in to the hole of asking 'How am i not putting myself into this writing when they are MY words and MY thoughts'. I will of course try my best to add a little more of myself. On another note have to wonder what hapened to the days when science, to some deree, was part of the church, trying to prove the existence of God through the scientific method, Or trying to find God's blueprint for life through mathematics. I think Plato, Descartes, the Pythagoreans, among others, were right to maintian there faith and keep their faith in their religions/philosophies not so separate from their faith in science. This piece was meant to question the superiority of one type of faith over another (faith in the sciences and faith in god and what one feels) and choosing a reality based on that faith, it really seems quite fascinating to me.