Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Learning Love Through Pain

In awe he starred,
small, frail, curious.
The flame danced and flickered,
he smiled and cooed.
The light grew, and so his heart.
He was warned,
but how the young naively dream,
and dance with flames.

Thus burnt, he cried
reaching for those who warned,
met with concern,
with love.
Allowed only through searing pain
He recognized a better light.

He did grow,
and embrace his scars,
to only him they did belong,
his tale and scars synonymously unique.


Danielle said...

At some point in our lives we become enamoured with something. We become so awe filled that we ignore the warnings of other and we get hurt. But i believe we grow from these experiences, and that each experience and what we take from them are what make each and every person a unique individual.

Anonymous said...

You were correct, for this piece absolutely summarizes the previous question I had when reading the last piece.
It is true that within our frail lifetime we will all be subjected to harm, pain, and suffering. But, in negating these emotions and seeing the optimistic view of learning from everything we endure, life can be extremely fulfilling.
So, I say to this fine writer. Continue what you are good at...that being raw emotion, whether the narrator is male or female does not matter for the core emotional subject is truly what makes you unique. Learning through experience is truly the only way to completely learn. Both about life and about ones self.
Yet again, keep up the great work.
True Lover of Canadian Poetry